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7 signs that your air ducts are dirty


Your HVAC system goes through a lot, and a lot goes through your HVAC system. Do you think about your air ducts? When was the last time they were cleaned? Below are seven signs it may be time for a cleaning.

7 signs that your air ducts are dirty

1. You See Mold or Dust on Your Receptors

Look at your receptors. Are you seeing mold growth and/or dust on your HVAC unit’s external components? Some types of mold, like black mold, are often dangerous to the health of your family. This means that you want to make it a priority to make sure that your air ducts are cleaned regularly.

2. You Can’t Remember When They Were Last Cleaned

Think about your air ducts. Do you remember when you last had them cleaned? If you have to look it up, chances are that you are due for a cleaning. It’s a good idea to have them cleaned on a regular basis.

3. You’ve Noticed Higher Bills

If you have dirty air ducts, chances are that you are going to be paying more for your electric bills. The reason for this is because dirty air ducts are going to make your HVAC system work a lot harder to send the heat or air conditioning to go through the ducts.

4. Recent Renovations

Have you had work done in your house recently? Maybe you had your kitchen or bathroom redone, or maybe you had carpet put down or taken up? Anytime you have work done in your home, it’s a good idea to have your ducts cleaned. All of the dust, dirt, and other things that were stirred up by the renovations are likely getting into your ducts.

5. You are Seeing Signs of Pests

Dirt and dust aren’t the only things that can be in your ducts. Pests can also be in there. Rodents and other pests might also be hiding in there. if you have had your home visited by an exterminator, then chances are that you want to have your ducts cleaned as well. You never know what might still be in there.

6. There’s Lots of Dust in the Home

Some dust is to be expected. But if you are always dusting and it seems like you never get anywhere with it, it may be time to have your ducts cleaned. It may not be your family or pets, but your dirty air ducts.

7. You Have Pets

If you have pets in your home, it’s a good idea to have your air ducts cleaned regularly, period. Their hair and dander get sucked into your air ducts and they can become trapped there, and even a small pet can shed considerably more hair than a fully grown person.

These are seven signs that you might be due to have your air ducts cleaned. Think about these signs and then consider having your air ducts cleaned. You may just see a huge difference in your home and the way that you and your family feel.

Get in touch with us for professional air conditioning repair in Livermore and beyond.

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