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Top Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner


When temperatures start ramping up, ensuring your air conditioner is running at peak condition is increasingly crucial. Regular maintenance and proper care can extend its lifespan while increasing its efficiency – we’ll look at some helpful advice provided by Bradford Heating and Air to keep AC units running smoothly for years to come.

Schedule Regular Professional Maintenance

One key element in prolonging the lifespan of your air conditioner is scheduling regular professional maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician. Trained experts can inspect and tune up your AC unit, identifying potential issues before they snowball into major ones. Maintenance services often include replacing filters as necessary, lubricating moving parts, checking refrigerant levels, and assuring optimal airflow – investing in professional maintenance at least annually can prevent breakdowns, optimize performance, and extend its lifespan significantly.

Maintain Clean Filters

Clean air filters are essential to the efficient functioning of an air conditioner, but over time they can become clogged with dirt and debris, restricting airflow and diminishing efficiency. Cleaning or replacing filters every one to three months can help extend its lifespan, improving air quality and decreasing strain on its system and the risk of expensive repairs.

Maintain Clear Airflow

Airflow is critical to the efficient functioning of an air conditioner. To maintain unrestricted airflow, keep the area around your outdoor unit clear of debris, leaves, and obstructions; indoor vents and registers must not be blocked by furniture or other objects – sufficient airflow prevents overworking, lowers energy consumption, and extends lifespan.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can dramatically enhance your air conditioner’s efficiency and lifespan. Setting temperature schedules that align with your daily activities allows you to reduce the workload when away or asleep – helping prevent unnecessary strain on the unit itself and helping save on energy bills while prolonging its life span.

Protect Your AC Unit from Direct Sunlight

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can harm the performance and efficiency of an air conditioner, so if possible, shield its outdoor unit from direct sun exposure by installing an awning, shade structure, or planting trees for natural shade. By doing so, you can lower ambient temperature around it, minimize workload, extend lifespan, and extend its lifecycle.

Keep the Condenser Coil Clean

Your air conditioner’s condenser coil is pivotal in its cooling process. Over time, however, it may become covered with dirt, dust, and debris that obstructs heat transfer and reduce efficiency. To maintain optimal performance of this HVAC system component, inspect and clean it regularly with soft brushes or vacuum cleaners with brush attachments; for more substantial contamination, consult a professional cleaner.

Address Issues Promptly

If you detect signs of trouble with your air conditioner, such as unusual noises, poor cooling performance, or strange odors. Ignoring such warning signs could result in even more significant problems down the line and shorten its lifespan considerably. Please consult a qualified HVAC technician as soon as possible to diagnose and resolve them to ensure smooth operations of your unit.

By following these top tips, you can extend the lifespan and maximize the efficiency of your air conditioner. At Bradford Heating and Air, we provide professional maintenance; keeping air filters clean, maintaining precise airflow, utilizing a programmable thermostat, protecting the unit from direct sunlight, cleaning the condenser coil, and addressing issues promptly are all crucial steps in caring for your AC unit. Remember, investing in professional assistance and proper maintenance will ultimately save you money in the long run while ensuring your home remains cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

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